When the beehive temperature sensor is connected to the controller, the display can
show measured values. At the moment of registering the information data, these are
added to the data sent via the SMS and to the server.
To save the energy, the scale's system is put to sleep after 120 seconds, the display is
turned off. To wake the system up, an external SMS should be sent or the time of
registering data had arrived. Optional waking the system up - press
If during the device's normal operating conditions, the battery will reach 10% of its'
maximum power capacity, the
will be displayed.
The controller will enter a power save state turning the display off. The user will be
immediately notified by the SMS about device's low power. The replacement of the
battery-cells – necessary for the scale to work properly. Additionaly, before replacing
the battery with a new battery, the information about low battery level will be sent
together with every new information via SMS.
Emergency information or warnings will be spotted on the display for at least 30
seconds. The information can be interrupted by pressing
Work mode and options.
The description of the displayed screens and the buttons that operate them.
Security display.
In the first line: 16 signs in the first part of a special identification number:
In the second line: 8 signs in the second part of a special identification number:
XXXXXXXX, and also a place to enter a 5-sign code: XXXXX.
Transfering the flashing cursor to the place where the value is currently
changing. Accepting the entered code. If the entered code is not valid, the digits are
reset, and the cursor once again indicates the first digit.
Lowers the value of the entered digit.
Increases the value of the entered digit.
Information 1.
In the first line: the information screen's number: 1, actual mass, the mass
difference since the last data log received.
In the second line: actual time, temperature, the GSM signal strength, battery's
Warning: When the temperature sensor is not connected or work improperly, that
information will not be displayed.