NanoVNA User Guide | NanoVNA User Guide
Step response example
Capacitive short:
Inductive short:
Страница 1: ...dforoperation iii BasicsofNanoVNA iv OscillationfrequencyofNanoVNA 2 Firstthing 3 inputmethod 4 Howtoreadthescreen i Mainscreen a 1 START2 STOPfrequency b 3 Marker c 4 Calibrationstatus d 5 Referencep...
Страница 2: ...Tracechannel ii marker iii Timedomainoperation a Timedomainbandpass b Timedomainlowpassimpulse c Timedomainlowpassstep a Stepresponseexample d Timedomainwindow e Settingthewavelengthreductionfactor Ve...
Страница 3: ...version rmware c Buildityourself ii Howtowritethe rmware a Writingwithdfu util Ubuntu b Writingwithdfu util macOS c Writingwithdfu util Windows10 iii Howtowritethe rmware WindowsGUI a Convertthe lefo...
Страница 4: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 4 51 iii Cablecheck iv Commonmode ltermeasurement...
Страница 5: ...chasdiscrepancieswiththelatest rmware ItisalsoavailableinPDFformatontheReleasespageonGitHub https github com cho NanoVNA manual releases WhatisNanoVNA ThereareseveraltypesofNanoVNAhardwareandthisdocum...
Страница 6: ...thefrequencycharacteristicsofre ectedpowerandpassedpowerofahighfrequency network RFNetwork NanoVNAmeasuresthefollowingfactors InputvoltageI Qsignal I Qsignalofre ectedvoltage I Qsignalofpassingvoltage...
Страница 7: ...o MHz Frequenciesabovethisuseharmonicmode Thefundamentalwaveisnot attenuatedeveninharmonicmode Theusagemodesforeachfrequencyareasfollows Upto MHz fundamentalwave From MHzto MHz rdharmonic MHzto MHz th...
Страница 8: ...NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 8 51 Firstthing Itmustalwaysbecalibrated rstbeforeitcanbeused Initiallycalibrateasfollows MakesureSTARTisat kHz MakesureSTOPis MHz Calibrateac...
Страница 9: ...noVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 9 51 inputmethod TheNanoVNAhasthefollowinginputs Touchpanellongtap Leverswitch L Llongpress R Rlongpress Push Pushandhold Pow...
Страница 10: ...s cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 10 51 Howtoreadthescreen Mainscreen 1 START2 STOPfrequency Displaystherespectivefrequencieswhenstart stopisspeci ed 3 Marker Thepositionofeachmarkeronthetraceisdispl...
Страница 11: ...ompensationisbeingusedforerrorcorrection D directivityIndicatesthaterrorcorrectionisapplied R refrectiontrackingIndicatesthaterrorcorrectionisapplied S sourcematchIndicatesthaterrorcorrectionisapplied...
Страница 12: ...noVNA manual 7 12 51 ChannelCH re ection format LOGMAG Scaleis10dB Currentvalueis dB Inaddition thechanneldisplayisreversedfortheactivetrace 8 Batterystatus Ifthebatteryisinstalledandis D2 alreadymoun...
Страница 13: ...io NanoVNA manual 7 13 51 9 CENTERfrequency10 span Whenthecenterfrequencyandspanarespeci ed therespectivefrequenciesaredisplayed Menuscreen 11 Menu Youcandisplaythemenubythefollowingoperations Whenyo...
Страница 14: ...eypadscreen 12 Numerickeys Tapanumbertoenteronecharacter 13 Backkey Deleteonecharacter Ifyouhavenotenteredanycharacters theentryiscanceledandthepreviousstatusisrestored 14 Unitkey Immediatelyendsthein...
Страница 15: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 15 51 15 Input eld Theinputitemnameandtheenterednumberaredisplayed...
Страница 16: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 16 51 Startmeasurement Basicmeasurementsequence 1 Setthefrequencyrangetomeasure 2 Calibrate 3 ConnectDUT...
Страница 17: ...mationandgiveasomewhatcorrectdisplay Thishappensif youchangethefrequencyrangeafterloadingthecalibrationdata Atthistime thedisplayofthecalibrationstatusonthescreenis cn D R S T X nisthedatanumberyouare...
Страница 18: ...ecablestotheCH andCH ports connectthecableswiththethroughconnector CAL CALIBRATE THRU and execute 7 Finishcalibrationandcalculateerrorcorrectioninformation CAL CALIBRATE DONE 8 Specifythedatanumberand...
Страница 19: ...etracecandisplayonlywhatyouneed DISPLAY TRACE TRACE n Selecttoswitchthedisplay Therearethefollowingmethodstoswitchtheactivetrace Tapthetracemarkeryouwanttoactivate DISPLAY TRACE TRACE n Selecttodispla...
Страница 20: ...OLAR Polarcoordinateformat LINEAR Absolutevalueofmeasuredvalue REAL Realnumberofmeasuredvalue IMAG Imaginarynumberofmeasuredvalue RESISTANCE Resistancecomponentofthemeasuredimpedance REACTANCE Reactan...
Страница 21: ...maindata DISPLAY TRANSOFRM TRANSFORM ON Selecttoconvertthemeasurementdatatothetimedomain TRANSFORM ON Ifisenabled the measurementdataisimmediatelytransformedanddisplayedinthetimedomain Thetimedomainan...
Страница 22: ...nbandpass Inbandpassmode youcansimulatetheDUT sresponsetoanimpulsesignal Thetraceformat LINEAR LOGMAG SWR canbesetto Belowisanexampleoftheimpulseresponseofabandpass lter Timedomainlowpassimpulse Inlow...
Страница 23: ...https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 23 51 Timedomainlowpassstep Inlowpassmode youcansimulateTDR Inlowpassmode thestartfrequencymustbesetto kHzandthestopfrequencymustbe setaccordingtothedistanceyouw...
Страница 24: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 24 51 short Stepresponseexample Capacitiveshort Inductiveshort...
Страница 25: ...VNA manual 7 25 51 Capacitivediscontinuity Cinparallel Inductivediscontinuity Linseries Timedomainwindow Themeasurablerangeisa nitenumber andthereareminimumandmaximumfrequencies Windowscanbeusedtosmoo...
Страница 26: ...on Thisisalwaysstatedinthecablespeci cations Inthetimedomain thedisplayedtimecanbedisplayedintermsofdistance Thewavelengthreductionrateusedfordistance display DISPLAY TRANSFORM VELOCITY FACTOR canbese...
Страница 27: ...tfrequencyandstopfrequency Setcenterfrequency span Zerospan Settingthestartfrequencyandstopfrequency Each STIMULUS START STIMULUS STOP andselectingandsetting Setcenterfrequency span Each STIMULUS CENT...
Страница 28: ...rilystopthemeasurement Calibrationandsetuprecall Youcansaveupto5calibrationdata TheNanoVNAloadsthedataofnumber0immediatelyafterstarting Calibrationdataisdatathatincludesthefollowinginformation Frequen...
Страница 29: ...ecurrentsettingsbyselecting CAL RESET Youcanresetthecurrentcalibrationdatabyselecting Ifyou RESET wanttorecalibrate youmustdo CAL CORRECTION Indicateswhethererrorcorrectioniscurrentlybeingperformed Yo...
Страница 30: ...generalsettingsforthedevice Touchpanelcalibrationandtesting CONFIG TOUCH CAL Selecttocalibratethetouchpanel Ifthereisalargedi erencebetweentheactualtappositionandthe recognizedtapposition thiscanbesol...
Страница 31: ...youreleaseitfromthe touchpanel itreturnstotheoriginalstate Saveinstrumentsettings CONFIG SAVE Selecttosavethegeneralsettingsofthedevice Generaldevicesettingsaredatathatincludesthefollowing information...
Страница 32: ...ttps cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 32 51 CONFIG VERSION Selecttodisplaytheversioninformationofthedevice Firmwareupdate CONFIG DFU RESET AND ENTER DFU SelecttoresetthedeviceandenterDFU DeviceFirmwar...
Страница 33: ...ersionedandisfrequentlydeveloped GitHubreleases CircleCIbuild GitHubreleaseshasareasonablystablereleaseversionofthe rmware CircleCIhasallthe rmwarepercommit Usethisifyouwanttotrythelatestfeaturesorche...
Страница 34: ...sion BootthedeviceinDFUmode UseoneofthefollowingmethodstoenterDFUmode TurnonthepowerbyjumperingtheBOOT pinonthePCB Afterturningonthepower removethejumper Thescreen becomeswhitebutitisnormal CONFIG DFU...
Страница 35: ...gcommand build ch bindescribesthepathtothe binofthedownloaded rmware le dfu util d 0483 df11 a 0 s 0x08000000 leave D build ch bin Writingwithdfu util Windows10 ForWindows connectingtheNanoVNAinDFUmod...
Страница 36: ...lSerialBuscontrollers of DeviceManager and execute Uninstalldevice ThedriverwillbeinstalledautomaticallywhentheUSBconnectorisremovedandreinserted Next placedfu util Downloadandextractdfu util win zipf...
Страница 37: ...ser Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 37 51 Draganddropdfu util exefromExplorertoPowerShelltoinsertthepathautomatically Thefollowingso version youcanstartto whentheversiondisplayofdfu utilw...
Страница 38: ...scribesthepathtothe binofthedownloaded rmware le C dfu util dfu util exe d 0483 df11 a 0 s 0x08000000 leave D build ch bin Howtowritethe rmware WindowsGUI ForthosewhoarenotfamiliarwithCUI somecomplica...
Страница 39: ...de https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 39 51 isincluded Convertthe leformatwithDFUFileManager First startDFUFileManager I want to GENERATE a DFU file from S19 HEX or BIN files Choose S19 or Hex Cli...
Страница 40: ...Writing rmwarewithDfuSeDemo FirstbootthedeviceinDFUmode UseoneofthefollowingmethodstoenterDFUmode TurnonthepowerbyjumperingtheBOOT pinonthePCB Afterturningonthepower removethejumper Thescreen becomesw...
Страница 41: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 41 51 Selectthe dfu leyousavedearlier...
Страница 42: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 42 51 Upgrade Clickthebutton...
Страница 43: ...020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 43 51 Afterwriting thisscreenwill Leave DFU mode appear ClickthebuttontoexitDFUmode Thedevicewillresetandbootwiththenew...
Страница 44: ...ildthe rmwarewith git clone git github com ttrftech NanoVNA git cd NanoVNA git submodule update init recursive make BuildwithDocker Youcanusedockertobuildwithoutanyhassles dockerisafree cross platform...
Страница 45: ...nbedonebyGUI byintroducingCortex DebugExtension Iwillomittheplatform dependentpart butinadditiontotheabove thefollowingisrequired openocd VSCode Cortex Debug Cortex DebugissearchedfromVSCodeExtensions...
Страница 46: ...Link interface stlink cfg wo interface jlink cfg replaceitwith version 0 2 0 configurations type cortex debug servertype openocd request launch name OpenOCD Debug executable build ch elf configFiles i...
Страница 47: ...Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 47 51 IfyoudoStartDebugging F5 OpenOCDwillautomaticallystartandthe rmwarewillbetransferredafterthebuildbymake Whenthetransferiscomplete...
Страница 48: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 48 51 svdFile Ifisspeci ed thede nedMCUregisterswillbedisplayedinthedebugscreen...
Страница 49: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 49 51...
Страница 50: ...mpleofuse Bandpass lteradjustment TODO Antennaadjustment HereisanexampleofusingNanoVNAasanantennaanalyzer Thefollowingtwopointsareimportantinadjustingtheantenna Whethertheantennaisinatuned resonantsta...
Страница 51: ...ethefrequencyisthetuningpoint ifthereisadeviation adjusttheantennasothatthetuningpointcomestothetargetfrequency Ifthetuningpointisatthedesiredfrequency makesurethattrace0 whichisdisplayingSWR isdispla...