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NanoVNA User Guide | NanoVNA User Guide



9. CENTER frequency 10. span

When the center frequency and span are speci ed, the respective frequencies are displayed.

Menu screen

11. Menu

You can display the menu by the following operations.

When you tap anywhere on the touch panel other than the marker
Push in the lever switch

Содержание NanoVNA

Страница 1: ...dforoperation iii BasicsofNanoVNA iv OscillationfrequencyofNanoVNA 2 Firstthing 3 inputmethod 4 Howtoreadthescreen i Mainscreen a 1 START2 STOPfrequency b 3 Marker c 4 Calibrationstatus d 5 Referencep...

Страница 2: ...Tracechannel ii marker iii Timedomainoperation a Timedomainbandpass b Timedomainlowpassimpulse c Timedomainlowpassstep a Stepresponseexample d Timedomainwindow e Settingthewavelengthreductionfactor Ve...

Страница 3: ...version rmware c Buildityourself ii Howtowritethe rmware a Writingwithdfu util Ubuntu b Writingwithdfu util macOS c Writingwithdfu util Windows10 iii Howtowritethe rmware WindowsGUI a Convertthe lefo...

Страница 4: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 4 51 iii Cablecheck iv Commonmode ltermeasurement...

Страница 5: ...chasdiscrepancieswiththelatest rmware ItisalsoavailableinPDFformatontheReleasespageonGitHub https github com cho NanoVNA manual releases WhatisNanoVNA ThereareseveraltypesofNanoVNAhardwareandthisdocum...

Страница 6: ...thefrequencycharacteristicsofre ectedpowerandpassedpowerofahighfrequency network RFNetwork NanoVNAmeasuresthefollowingfactors InputvoltageI Qsignal I Qsignalofre ectedvoltage I Qsignalofpassingvoltage...

Страница 7: ...o MHz Frequenciesabovethisuseharmonicmode Thefundamentalwaveisnot attenuatedeveninharmonicmode Theusagemodesforeachfrequencyareasfollows Upto MHz fundamentalwave From MHzto MHz rdharmonic MHzto MHz th...

Страница 8: ...NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 8 51 Firstthing Itmustalwaysbecalibrated rstbeforeitcanbeused Initiallycalibrateasfollows MakesureSTARTisat kHz MakesureSTOPis MHz Calibrateac...

Страница 9: ...noVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 9 51 inputmethod TheNanoVNAhasthefollowinginputs Touchpanellongtap Leverswitch L Llongpress R Rlongpress Push Pushandhold Pow...

Страница 10: ...s cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 10 51 Howtoreadthescreen Mainscreen 1 START2 STOPfrequency Displaystherespectivefrequencieswhenstart stopisspeci ed 3 Marker Thepositionofeachmarkeronthetraceisdispl...

Страница 11: ...ompensationisbeingusedforerrorcorrection D directivityIndicatesthaterrorcorrectionisapplied R refrectiontrackingIndicatesthaterrorcorrectionisapplied S sourcematchIndicatesthaterrorcorrectionisapplied...

Страница 12: ...noVNA manual 7 12 51 ChannelCH re ection format LOGMAG Scaleis10dB Currentvalueis dB Inaddition thechanneldisplayisreversedfortheactivetrace 8 Batterystatus Ifthebatteryisinstalledandis D2 alreadymoun...

Страница 13: NanoVNA manual 7 13 51 9 CENTERfrequency10 span Whenthecenterfrequencyandspanarespeci ed therespectivefrequenciesaredisplayed Menuscreen 11 Menu Youcandisplaythemenubythefollowingoperations Whenyo...

Страница 14: ...eypadscreen 12 Numerickeys Tapanumbertoenteronecharacter 13 Backkey Deleteonecharacter Ifyouhavenotenteredanycharacters theentryiscanceledandthepreviousstatusisrestored 14 Unitkey Immediatelyendsthein...

Страница 15: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 15 51 15 Input eld Theinputitemnameandtheenterednumberaredisplayed...

Страница 16: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 16 51 Startmeasurement Basicmeasurementsequence 1 Setthefrequencyrangetomeasure 2 Calibrate 3 ConnectDUT...

Страница 17: ...mationandgiveasomewhatcorrectdisplay Thishappensif youchangethefrequencyrangeafterloadingthecalibrationdata Atthistime thedisplayofthecalibrationstatusonthescreenis cn D R S T X nisthedatanumberyouare...

Страница 18: ...ecablestotheCH andCH ports connectthecableswiththethroughconnector CAL CALIBRATE THRU and execute 7 Finishcalibrationandcalculateerrorcorrectioninformation CAL CALIBRATE DONE 8 Specifythedatanumberand...

Страница 19: ...etracecandisplayonlywhatyouneed DISPLAY TRACE TRACE n Selecttoswitchthedisplay Therearethefollowingmethodstoswitchtheactivetrace Tapthetracemarkeryouwanttoactivate DISPLAY TRACE TRACE n Selecttodispla...

Страница 20: ...OLAR Polarcoordinateformat LINEAR Absolutevalueofmeasuredvalue REAL Realnumberofmeasuredvalue IMAG Imaginarynumberofmeasuredvalue RESISTANCE Resistancecomponentofthemeasuredimpedance REACTANCE Reactan...

Страница 21: ...maindata DISPLAY TRANSOFRM TRANSFORM ON Selecttoconvertthemeasurementdatatothetimedomain TRANSFORM ON Ifisenabled the measurementdataisimmediatelytransformedanddisplayedinthetimedomain Thetimedomainan...

Страница 22: ...nbandpass Inbandpassmode youcansimulatetheDUT sresponsetoanimpulsesignal Thetraceformat LINEAR LOGMAG SWR canbesetto Belowisanexampleoftheimpulseresponseofabandpass lter Timedomainlowpassimpulse Inlow...

Страница 23: ...https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 23 51 Timedomainlowpassstep Inlowpassmode youcansimulateTDR Inlowpassmode thestartfrequencymustbesetto kHzandthestopfrequencymustbe setaccordingtothedistanceyouw...

Страница 24: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 24 51 short Stepresponseexample Capacitiveshort Inductiveshort...

Страница 25: ...VNA manual 7 25 51 Capacitivediscontinuity Cinparallel Inductivediscontinuity Linseries Timedomainwindow Themeasurablerangeisa nitenumber andthereareminimumandmaximumfrequencies Windowscanbeusedtosmoo...

Страница 26: ...on Thisisalwaysstatedinthecablespeci cations Inthetimedomain thedisplayedtimecanbedisplayedintermsofdistance Thewavelengthreductionrateusedfordistance display DISPLAY TRANSFORM VELOCITY FACTOR canbese...

Страница 27: ...tfrequencyandstopfrequency Setcenterfrequency span Zerospan Settingthestartfrequencyandstopfrequency Each STIMULUS START STIMULUS STOP andselectingandsetting Setcenterfrequency span Each STIMULUS CENT...

Страница 28: ...rilystopthemeasurement Calibrationandsetuprecall Youcansaveupto5calibrationdata TheNanoVNAloadsthedataofnumber0immediatelyafterstarting Calibrationdataisdatathatincludesthefollowinginformation Frequen...

Страница 29: ...ecurrentsettingsbyselecting CAL RESET Youcanresetthecurrentcalibrationdatabyselecting Ifyou RESET wanttorecalibrate youmustdo CAL CORRECTION Indicateswhethererrorcorrectioniscurrentlybeingperformed Yo...

Страница 30: ...generalsettingsforthedevice Touchpanelcalibrationandtesting CONFIG TOUCH CAL Selecttocalibratethetouchpanel Ifthereisalargedi erencebetweentheactualtappositionandthe recognizedtapposition thiscanbesol...

Страница 31: ...youreleaseitfromthe touchpanel itreturnstotheoriginalstate Saveinstrumentsettings CONFIG SAVE Selecttosavethegeneralsettingsofthedevice Generaldevicesettingsaredatathatincludesthefollowing information...

Страница 32: ...ttps cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 32 51 CONFIG VERSION Selecttodisplaytheversioninformationofthedevice Firmwareupdate CONFIG DFU RESET AND ENTER DFU SelecttoresetthedeviceandenterDFU DeviceFirmwar...

Страница 33: ...ersionedandisfrequentlydeveloped GitHubreleases CircleCIbuild GitHubreleaseshasareasonablystablereleaseversionofthe rmware CircleCIhasallthe rmwarepercommit Usethisifyouwanttotrythelatestfeaturesorche...

Страница 34: ...sion BootthedeviceinDFUmode UseoneofthefollowingmethodstoenterDFUmode TurnonthepowerbyjumperingtheBOOT pinonthePCB Afterturningonthepower removethejumper Thescreen becomeswhitebutitisnormal CONFIG DFU...

Страница 35: ...gcommand build ch bindescribesthepathtothe binofthedownloaded rmware le dfu util d 0483 df11 a 0 s 0x08000000 leave D build ch bin Writingwithdfu util Windows10 ForWindows connectingtheNanoVNAinDFUmod...

Страница 36: ...lSerialBuscontrollers of DeviceManager and execute Uninstalldevice ThedriverwillbeinstalledautomaticallywhentheUSBconnectorisremovedandreinserted Next placedfu util Downloadandextractdfu util win zipf...

Страница 37: ...ser Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 37 51 Draganddropdfu util exefromExplorertoPowerShelltoinsertthepathautomatically Thefollowingso version youcanstartto whentheversiondisplayofdfu utilw...

Страница 38: ...scribesthepathtothe binofthedownloaded rmware le C dfu util dfu util exe d 0483 df11 a 0 s 0x08000000 leave D build ch bin Howtowritethe rmware WindowsGUI ForthosewhoarenotfamiliarwithCUI somecomplica...

Страница 39: https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 39 51 isincluded Convertthe leformatwithDFUFileManager First startDFUFileManager I want to GENERATE a DFU file from S19 HEX or BIN files Choose S19 or Hex Cli...

Страница 40: ...Writing rmwarewithDfuSeDemo FirstbootthedeviceinDFUmode UseoneofthefollowingmethodstoenterDFUmode TurnonthepowerbyjumperingtheBOOT pinonthePCB Afterturningonthepower removethejumper Thescreen becomesw...

Страница 41: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 41 51 Selectthe dfu leyousavedearlier...

Страница 42: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 42 51 Upgrade Clickthebutton...

Страница 43: ...020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 43 51 Afterwriting thisscreenwill Leave DFU mode appear ClickthebuttontoexitDFUmode Thedevicewillresetandbootwiththenew...

Страница 44: ...ildthe rmwarewith git clone git github com ttrftech NanoVNA git cd NanoVNA git submodule update init recursive make BuildwithDocker Youcanusedockertobuildwithoutanyhassles dockerisafree cross platform...

Страница 45: ...nbedonebyGUI byintroducingCortex DebugExtension Iwillomittheplatform dependentpart butinadditiontotheabove thefollowingisrequired openocd VSCode Cortex Debug Cortex DebugissearchedfromVSCodeExtensions...

Страница 46: ...Link interface stlink cfg wo interface jlink cfg replaceitwith version 0 2 0 configurations type cortex debug servertype openocd request launch name OpenOCD Debug executable build ch elf configFiles i...

Страница 47: ...Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 47 51 IfyoudoStartDebugging F5 OpenOCDwillautomaticallystartandthe rmwarewillbetransferredafterthebuildbymake Whenthetransferiscomplete...

Страница 48: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 48 51 svdFile Ifisspeci ed thede nedMCUregisterswillbedisplayedinthedebugscreen...

Страница 49: ...08 09 2020 NanoVNA User Guide NanoVNA User Guide https cho45 github io NanoVNA manual 7 49 51...

Страница 50: ...mpleofuse Bandpass lteradjustment TODO Antennaadjustment HereisanexampleofusingNanoVNAasanantennaanalyzer Thefollowingtwopointsareimportantinadjustingtheantenna Whethertheantennaisinatuned resonantsta...

Страница 51: ...ethefrequencyisthetuningpoint ifthereisadeviation adjusttheantennasothatthetuningpointcomestothetargetfrequency Ifthetuningpointisatthedesiredfrequency makesurethattrace0 whichisdisplayingSWR isdispla...
