titan Reference Manual - Rev 2.0
© 2019
Page 46 of 57
With the Nova Controller (included in the basic framework) the greenMachine supports a
standard SNMPv2 control interface which allows read and write access to all parameters
of the system as well as generating SNMPv2 Traps.
Nova Controller Function
The MIB files (SNMP interface description) are available for download from:
You will find detailed information about the SNMP support in greenMachine in the
corresponding Quick Reference Guide available for download in our Knowledge Base at:
Full GET/SET/WALK access is provided to all the parameters of the greenMachine.
Regular SNMPv2 authentication is implemented.
SNMP Traps
In addition to the get & set access (explained above), all Events that a greenMachine
generates can be sent as SNMPv2 Traps.
Every greenMachine provides an individual set of Events. Such Events will be set to
ACTIVE state by the greenMachine to signalize an unusual state (such as e.g. “Video Proc
1: No Input” or similar). The individual set of Events per machine can be seen in the
greenGUI on the
subtab of the
Whenever an Event of an individual greenMachine changes its state (from passive to
active and vice-
versa), an appropriate entry is added to the machine’s Logfile.
An optional SNMPv2 Trap can be sent to the network when the event status changes.
This can be controlled from the greenMachine’s “Events” Tab in the greenGUI in the
relevant SNMP Trap column (item 1, picture below).