Side Panel
Communications and Control:
The right-side panel consists of a USB Type B connector, Ethernet and RS232 for
communication and a 7-position slide type switch module; see Figure 2.
The left-most switch controls whether the driver will be operated in MANUAL MODE or
PC MODE. The right-most switch enables the SLED to be turned on and off.
If the driver is controlled through the PC based software or Luxmux’s API, connect either
a USB, a Serial and/or Ethernet cable for communication. In MANUAL MODE, no
connection to USB, RS232 or Ethernet is required and the SLED can be turned ON/OFF
with the SLED source control.
When turning the SLED
“on” or “off” in MANUAL MODE
it will be driven at its default
current settings. Default current settings for MANUAL MODE can be changed through
the software and will be explained in the Software Operation section.
When running the Luxmux software, toggle the left switch to PC MODE in order to
control the SLED from the software. The SLED control will be disabled in the software if
operating in MANUAL MODE. Software will still display current levels when running in
MANUAL MODE but users will not be able to adjust the operating currents.
: Communications and Control Panel