. Limited Product Warranty (“WRTY”)
LUXMUX (“LUXMUX”) products and components are
warranted against defects in
materials and workmanship for a period of one year (unless otherwise stated), beginning
on the product shipment date. This warranty is provided only to the original end user,
and is not transferrable. The warranty ceases upon transfer of the product to a new
owner. Except as otherwise prescribed by applicable law, in the event of a breach of this
warranty, the sole and exclusive remedy and LUXMUX’s sole and exclusive liability shall
be for LUXMUX to use commercially reasonable efforts to repair or replace the product
that caused the breach of this warranty. If LUXMUX cannot or determines that it is not
practical to repair or replace the returned product, then the sole and exclusive remedy
and the limit of LUXMUX’s obligation under this wa
rranty shall be to refund the amount
received by LUXMUX for such product.
Warranty Returns
All products must be returned to LUXMUX in accordance with LUXMUX’s then
Return Material Authorization (RMA) procedure. Products obtained from LUXMUX that
do not comply with the warranty and which are returned to LUXMUX during the
applicable warranty period will be repaired or replaced at LUXMUX’s option, provided
the reseller or end user bears the cost of freight, insurance, duties and import and export
fees to the point of repair or return. If the returned product is covered by a LUXMUX
warranty, LUXMUX will bear the cost of freight, insurance, duties and import and export
fees for return of goods to reseller (if any) or end user. If the product is purchased from
a LUXMUX reseller, the reseller will handle and be responsible for the warranty return
process for its end users. If the product was purchased directly from LUXMUX, the end
user will be responsible for the warranty return process.
For the first 30 days of the warranty period, LUXMUX will provide immediate
replacement, with our Advanced Replacement Service, including same-day shipment via
standard overnight shipping (must meet shipment cut-off time) for the covered product,
after first confirming a warranty failure.
The product arrival date is subject to local transport conditions. Additional service
coverage such as Advanced Replacement service, and/or an extended warranty are
available for purchase under a separate support and service agreement.