click on “Resp. Curve”
. Users can set the wavelength by typing the new value
clicking the “
” button beside the wavelength
value box.
To see the current output (in mA
) select “Current” in the dropdown menu. (Current will
be shown by default.)
To see the Power output, select “Power” from the dropdown menu. Power may be
viewed in terms of mW or dBm. To view the graph in the desired unit, click the relevant
button in the dropdown menu.
By clic
king the “
” button,
the user can choose to select the data as a csv file or as
an image.
The screen shown in Figure 11 will appear when clicking on the
button from the main console. When software loads up, the Auto-Scan function will run
to find the virtual com port settings for a USB, RS232 and/or Ethernet connection. Users
can manually enter the communication settings b
y clicking on “
to stop
the Auto-
scan, then clicking “Manual Connect”
to connect via their preferred
communications settings. To Disconnect from a Manual Connection, click the
“Disconnect” button.
USB/RS-232 Serial Configuration:
COM Port can be found on device manager
COM Speed should always be set to a 115200 Baud Rate
MODBUS ID is the unique identifier for the ISB1. It will be 1 by factory default.
Multiple ISB1 Modules
can be set up and used with different Modbus ID’s. To
change Modbus ID, enter the new ID into the
Modbus ID
field before attempting
to connect.