Type of fault
© Lutz-Jesco GmbH 2014
Subject to technical changes
Stepper Motor-driven Diaphragm Dosing Pump
Operating Instructions
13.1.4 Delivery rate varies
13.1.5 No stroke movement observed
13.1.6 Dosing pump delivery rate too high
Viscosity too high
Possibly reduce the concentra-
tion of the dosing medium or
increase the temperature.
Install spring-loaded valves.
Increase the pipe diameter.
Current supply interrupted
Reconnect the current supply
Dry the valves
Dampen the dosing head and
the valves
Vent the dosing head.
Air in the suction line with
simultaneous pressure on the
discharge valve
Vent the dosing head or the
Possible cause
Valve leaking or blocked
Clean the valve and vent the
dosing pump.
Tighten the screw connections.
Valve damaged (e.g. valve
Remove the damaged parts or
install a new valve.
Suction line is leaking
Seal the leak locations or
replace the parts.
Suction line is blocked (e.g.
screen in foot valve)
Clean the suction line
Viscosity too high
Possibly reduce the concentra-
tion of the dosing medium or
increase the temperature.
Install spring-loaded valves.
Increase the pipe diameter.
The dosing pump's electrical
data does not match that of
the mains supply
Check the electrical installation.
Suction side pressure too
high (pump siphoning)
Install a back-pressure valve in
the pressure line.
Pressure peaks due to accel-
eration with long suction
Install a suction pressure regu-
Table 13-4: Type of fault: Delivery rate varies
Possible cause
Table 13-3: Type of fault: Dosing pump does not prime
Imprecise dosing due to
changeable positive and
negative suction heads
Install a suction pressure regu-
System back pressure too
high (measured at discharge
connection of dosing pump)
Clean blocked injection nozzle.
Install pulsation dampeners to
reduce pressure peaks if pipes
are too long.
Check function of safety valves.
Possible cause
Diaphragm return spring
Contact the manufacturer.
Current supply interrupted
Reconnect the current supply
The dosing pump's electrical
data does not match that of
the mains supply
Check the electrical installation.
Pressure peaks due to accel-
eration with long suction
Install a suction pressure regu-
System back pressure too
high (measured at discharge
connection of dosing pump)
Clean blocked injection nozzle.
Install pulsation dampeners to
reduce pressure peaks if pipes
are too long.
Check function of safety valves.
Table 13-5: Type of fault: No stroke movement observed
Possible cause
Suction side pressure too
high (pump siphoning)
Install a back-pressure valve in
the pressure line.
Pressure peaks due to accel-
eration with long suction
Install a suction pressure regu-
Table 13-6: Type of fault: Dosing pump delivery rate too high
Possible cause
Table 13-4: Type of fault: Delivery rate varies