2–3 days, stop using the LumaRx
Full-Body Hair Removal System
and contact Customer Service
(see page 51).
• Skin discoloration. If you notice
that your Skin Tone in the treatment
area has changed, stop using the
LumaRx Full-Body Hair Removal
System and contact Customer
Service (see page 51).
• Eye Injury. Flashing any laser or IPL
device near or around the eyes could
cause serious and permanent eye
injury. This is very unlikely as long as
the device is used as indicated.
During Treatment
For many people, using the LumaRx
Full-Body Hair Removal System is their
first experience with a light-based
device. Here are some things to expect
during treatment:
• A Flash of Light: The flash of light
that you see is only part of the light
produced by the LumaRx Full-Body
Hair Removal System and should
not be harmful to your eyes. The
LumaRx Full-Body Hair Removal
System Contact Sensors help ensure
that most of the light is directed into
the skin. The remaining visible light
should not be harmful to the eyes, and
special eye protection is not needed
as long as you follow the directions
for using the LumaRx Full-Body
Hair Removal System in this manual.
The LumaRx Full-Body Hair Removal
System should NOT be used on or
around the eyes, eyelashes
or eyebrows.
• A Sensation of Warmth and Tingling:
It is normal to feel a warm and
tingling sensation with each flash.
Many people describe this sensation
to be like a rubber band lightly
snapped against the skin. However,
sensations vary by person and
treatment area. If the sensation is
too intense or painful, stop using
the LumaRx Full-Body Hair Removal
System and contact Customer Service
before using again (see page 51).
Immediately After the First Treatment
• Visible changes to the hair are
unlikely at this point. During and
just after your LumaRx Full-Body
Hair Removal System session, it is
not uncommon to see some very
mild redness, mostly around the
hairs themselves. This is normal and
typically clears up within a few hours.
If the redness does not go away
within 3 days, contact Customer
Service (see page 51).