4.20. SMS Configuration
In the SMS Configuration menu it is possible to select automatic sending of SMS
messages following power up (Send SMS on power up) and at the start (Send SMS on PPP
connect) or the loss (Send SMS on PPP disconnect) of the PPP connection and at data limit
exceeded (Send SMS when datalimit exceeded). With switch-on parameter Send SMS when
binary input is active it is possible to define SMS for each of four binary inputs in windows
BIN1-SMS, BIN2-SMS, BIN3-SMS and BIN4-SMS, which will be sent if those binary inputs
are active. It is possible to send information to three telephone numbers. Unit ID is the name
of the router that it will send an SMS message to. Unit ID may have a random form.
In the second part of the window it is possible to set function Enable remote control
via SMS. After this it is possible to establish and close PPP connection by SMS message.
This control can be configured for up to three numbers. If is set Enable remote control via
SMS, all incoming SMS are processed and deleted. In the default settings this parameter is
turned on.
If no phone number is filled in, then it is possible to restart the router with the help
of SMS in the form of Reboot from any phone number. While filling of one, two or three
numbers it is possible to control the router with the help of an SMS sent only from these
numbers. While filling of sign “*” it is possible ro control the router with the help of an SMS
sent from every numbers.
Control SMS message doesn’t change the router configuration. If the router is
switched to offline mode by the SMS message the router will be in this mode up to next
restart. This behaviour is the same for all control SMS messages.
It is possible to send controls SMS in the form:
go online sim 1
Switch to SIM1 card
go online sim 2
Switch to SIM2 card
go online
Switch router in online mode
go offline
PPP connection termination
set out1=0
Set output on 0 on the Expansion port CNT
set out1=1
Set output on 1 on the Expansion port CNT
Router restart
get ip
Router send answer with IP address SIM card
By choosing Enable AT-SMS protocol on external port and Baudrate it is possible to
send/receive an SMS on the serial port.
By choosing Enable AT-SMS protocol on TCP port and enter the TCP port it is
possible to send/receive an SMS on the TCP port. SMS messages are sent by the help of a
standard AT commands. More about the AT commands in reference [1].
Choices Enable AT-SMS protocol on external port and Enable AT-SMS protocol
on TCP port mustn’t be chosen at the same time.
LUCOM GmbH * Ansbacher Str. 2a * 90513 Zirndorf * Tel. 09127/59 460-10 * Fax. 09127/59 460-20 *