Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS-6 Controller J85501D-1
5 - 2 Acceptance Testing
Issue 6 August 1998
Unless otherwise indicated in the test procedures, at least one
rectifier must be on line in batteryless plants.
Meter Calibration
The controller voltmeter has an accuracy of 0.05% and a
resolution of one digit. To accurately assess the calibration of the
voltmeter, an external meter with better than 0.05% accuracy is
needed. If such a meter is not available, only a rough assessment
of the controller meter calibration can be achieved. The
controller meter is factory calibrated and should not be adjusted
in the field unless it is obviously outside the tolerance of the
external meter.
If calibration is needed, set the meter select switch to the VOLTS
position. Adjust Potentiometer R407 on CP4.
Battery on
Discharge Alarm
The Battery on Discharge Alarm test procedure is to be
performed without an office load.
If the test must be performed on a live plant (with office
load), first notify the alarm center, then shut off rectifiers
one at a time. Observe the BD alarm, then restore all
rectifiers to normal as quickly as possible.
1. Identify the BD threshold level set on DIP switch SW103.
2. Set the controller meter select switch to the VOLTS
position and verify that the plant voltage is above the BD
3. Turn off all but one rectifier until rectifier capacity is less
than plant load.
4. Adjust the test load to draw 5-10% of the rectifier rating.
5. Adjust the rectifier output voltage down until the BD LED
on the controller lights. This should occur at the set
threshold within the tolerance specified in Table 2-B.
If Step 5 fails to produce the desired result, more load may
be required if a large capacity battery string is connected.