Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant J85500D-3
3 - 32 Engineering, Planning and Ordering
Issue 5 January 1999
B-sheets contain the main assembly views and are numbered
similarly (B1,B2,...). C-sheets are used to show assembly details
and any other relevant graphical information. The stocklist is
included on D-sheets.
(5) Table A: Table A is the single most important entity on a
J-drawing for engineering and ordering. It contains a description
of each orderable feature, its ordering code, its availability and a
cross-reference to the wiring diagram.
(5A) List numbers: The ordering codes for product features are
called Lists. They may be numbers, letters or combinations
thereof. A list describes a collection of parts which are: (1)
assembled and packaged per the assembly views and stocklist of
the J-drawing and (2) wired per the referenced figures of the
(5A-1) Main lists: The list number for a basic configuration of
equipment is called a Main List. A Main List describes a set of
features which is a lowest common denominator or a typical
arrangement. There may be several Main Lists on a given
J-drawing, that share, perhaps, common components or
Supplementary Lists (see below). Only one Main List number is
specified for one equipment assembly, and the quantity specified
for that List is one.
(5A-2) Supplementary Lists: Features are added to or omitted
from Main Lists by specifying Supplementary Lists. A
Supplementary List is not orderable by itself but must be
specified in addition a main list. Different supplementary lists
and multiples of individual supplementary lists may be specified
for one main list. Restrictions on possible combinations of main
and supplementary lists are described in the feature descriptions
in Table A and/or in Engineering Notes (see below).
(5B) Ratings: The availability for ordering of each List is
controlled by the Rating, listed in Table A. Currently there are
two Rating classifications: Available (“AVAIL” or no marking)
and Discontinued Availability (“DA”). The conditions on
discontinued availability, such as factory repair policy, vary
from product to product and from List to List. Contact Lucent
Technologies for information on specific products, as needed.
(5C) Circuit Figures: There is often a Wiring Diagram
(T-drawing) which is separate from the assembly drawing for
equipment that incorporates factory wiring. If a List contains