Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant J85500D-3
Issue 5 January 1999
Product Description 2 - 13
be raised 4.0VDC when the temperature returns to 65°C
(149°F). A green indicator lights up to show an active module.
A yellow indicator lights up to show temperatures above 53°C
and blinks to show temperatures above 75°C.
The 216A Control Unit can also increase the plant voltage for
sensor temperatures below 25°C. The plant voltage is increased
72mV per degree Celsius to a maximum of 2.0VDC above the
float voltage. The BID1 is shipped from the factory with this
margining feature disabled.
The 216A Control Unit accepts up to eight thermistors (two per
battery string). Up to five 216A modules can be daisy-chained
together, which allows monitoring up to 20 battery strings.
Two types of thermistor kits are available for use with the 216A
control module:
1. Thermistor kit, Paddles (Comcode 847618048). Use this
kit with the VR batteries. The kits contains two thermistors
that are inserted between battery cells.
2. Thermistor Kit, Rings (Comcode 847618063). Use this kit
when the battery cells are not adjacent to one another (i.e.,
and air gap is present between cells). Place the 1/4-inch
ring terminal on the negative terminal of the battery.
Each kit provides two thermistors and associated wiring to
connect to the 216A control module. The retrofit kit contains two
paddle thermistors to monitor one string of batteries. Order a
thermistor kit for each additional battery string.