Lucent Technologies Lineage
2000 ECS Battery Plant J85500D-3
2 - 12 Product Description
Issue 5 January 1999
failure of either voltage detector circuit lights the yellow “LVD
FAIL” LED, but the contactor will stay closed. A Fuse Alarm
Minor (MNF) is issued when a LVD circuit fails, lighting a
yellow LED on the controller front panel and sending Power
Minor (PMN) alarms to the alarm reporting center.
Low voltage load
The LVLD/R option (the BAD10 version of the CP5 board, List
27) is similar in circuitry to the LVD/R option, but has the
following differences. LVLD/R uses contactor K1 to disconnect
or reconnect plant load from the rectifiers and batteries. The load
disconnect threshold voltage is 42.0V ±0.5V and reconnect
voltage is 50V ±0.5V.
Circuit breakers/
The standard dc distribution panel (see Figure 2-5) can
accommodate a maximum of 42 circuit breakers. The circuit
breakers are plug-in style, KS-23616, and are available in 3, 5,
10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 ampere ratings.
These breakers have standard curve 2 trip characteristics and an
interrupt capacity of 7000 amperes. The 60 through 100 ampere
circuit breakers require the use of two positions on the panel.
The breakers are mounted vertically with actuators up in the ON
position. Each circuit breaker is equipped with an auxiliary
switch that indicates, with a closure, when the breaker has
tripped due to overcurrent. The circuit breaker handle will move
to a center trip position when tripped due to overcurrent. It
should be noted here that customers who wish to prewire load
circuits for future use may store the breaker in its installed
position until service is actually required. Leaving the breaker in
the OFF position in an operating battery plant will not produce
an alarm condition.
The 216A Thermal Compensation Unit, used in conjuction with
the BID1, LVD/R Fuse circuit pack, reduces plant voltage for
measured temperatures above 25°C (77°F) in a slope plus step
manner. The BID1 reduces the plant voltage 72mV per degree
Celsius for a maximum of 2.0 VDC below the uncompensated
voltage. The compensation will stop at approximately 53°C
(127.4°F). For temperatures higher than 53°C but less than 75°C
(167°F), a constant voltage drop of 2.0VDC below the
uncompensated voltage will be maintained. For temperatures
higher than 75°C, the plant voltage will be reduced 6.0 volts
below the uncompensated 25°C voltage. The plant voltage will