Handsets for the Hearing Impaired and for Noisy
All voice terminals come with a handset that is hearing-aid compatible.
Two other types of handsets are also available:
The (R6C3) Impaired-Hearing Handset (31753) has an extra amplifier
to provide greater volume in the earpiece. A thumbwheel volume
control on the handset allows the volume to be turned up or down, as
The (R8C3) Push-to-Listen Handset (31754) is for use in noisy loca-
tions. Like the impaired-Hearing Handset, the Push-to-Listen
Handset has an extra amplifier and a thumbwheel volume control. It
also has a pushbutton on the handset that increases the volume in
the earpiece and mutes background noise transmitted through the
iss 3, cib3023-13