Amtsgericht Duesseldorf HRB 76903 Steuernummer
DE316746274 Bankverbindung: Deutsche Bank IBAN
DE77 3007 0010 0058 6958 00 BIC/Swift: DEUTDEDDXXX
Lubmann GmbH
Automatic Lubrication Systems
Determination of Lube Points
Determination of the required volumes of grease of lube points
Lube points are the friction fairs lubricated by grease fitting in the machine. Those can rotate 360 degrees or have a
high temperature are excluded.
Generally, the interval time for lubricating is from 4-8 hours. The volume each point required is from 0.1 to 0.4 ml/cy.
Determination of the supply volumes
Q= q1+q2+q3=(1+20%)q1(ml)+c (ml/m)
Q- The supply volumes of the system
q1- The sum of the volumes that lube points required
q2- Safe added-value
q3- The loss of the mainline
c- Increasing volume of the mainline per meter from 0.05Mpa to regular working data
L- The length of the mainline
Cautions in Installation
Installing notice of the pump module
Pump module should be installed vertically and firmly in a place where the device is polluted less , convenient
maintenance and easy to observe and operate If conditions permit, a separate door can be set near the pump module.
Installing notice of distributers
Distributors also should be installed in a place where the device is polluted less and convenient to fix, maintain and
observe. A few distributers can be caught together in groups and finally connect to the mainline.
Installing notice of system tubes
1. The
mainline usually useΦ10×
1.5 nylon tubing whose pressure-proof should above 10MPa and orifice should have
rigid bushing. Moreover, Φ10×
1steel tubing is also available.
2. The distribution lines should be short as much as possible, especially the distribution lines to firmly hermetical lube
points whose length should not be longer than 3 meters. In addition, the distribution lines from exits of distributers to
lube points should not be longer than 3.5 meters. The distribution line use nylon tubing and their both ends must have
rigid bushing.
3. Tubes should be incised vertically in axial direction and avoid squashing, cracking and scratching.
System Design/Cautions in Installation/Debugging