SV-iS7 CANopen Manual
6.1.3 SDO
SDO address in common area
-. Inverter monitoring area
These are the parameters in the read-only common area between the communication address; 0h300 ~ 0h37F.
In the CANopen, the Index is 0x4000, and the Sub Index is the value of the communication address deducted
with 0h300 and added with 1.
E.g.) To read the value in the communication address 0h0310, the data is in Index: 0x4000 and Sub Index:
-. Inverter control area
These are the parameters in the control-only common area between the communication address: 0h380 ~
In the CANopen, Index is 0x4001 and Sub Index is the last 2 digits of the communication address added with 1.
E.g.) To read the value in the communication address 0h0389, the data is in Index: 0x4001 and Sub Index:
-. Inverter memory control area
These are the parameters in the memory control common area between the communication address: 0h3E0 ~
In the CANopen, Index is 0x4002 and Sub Index is the communication address deducted with 0h3E0 and added
with 1.
E.g.) To read the value in the communication address 0h03E1, the data is in Index: 0x4002 and Sub Index: