LPT-3000 Remote User
s Guide
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Set the Frequency.
Press Cent button on the keypad to activate Center Frequency. The button is now highlighted
and the top left hand corner of the screen displays Center Frequency. The values can be
entered or changed using the numeric key pad and as well as the up/ down button. Using
numeric keypad, set the Center Frequency to 80MHz.
Set the Span.
Press the Span button on the keypad to activate Span frequency.
The button is now highlighted and the top left hand corner of the screen displays Span
Frequency. Using numeric keypad, set the Span Frequency to 50kHz.
Set the Amplitude.
Adjust Amplitude level on the screen if the maximum value of signal is not displayed. Press Ref
button to activate Amplitude level function. Ref button is now highlighted and the top left hand
corner of the screen displays the Reference level. The highest bar on the grid and is set at 0.0
dBm. When the value of reference level is changed, the Amplitude level of the highest grid line
also changes.
Set the Marker.
Marker function measures the Frequency and Amplitude of a signal. Frequency and amplitude
of a signal can be found by placing x-shaped marker on the maximum value of the signal. Press
the Mark button to activate marker. When using the Pk Srch button, marker No. 1 will
automatically be set at the maximum (highest point of trace). The result of the Frequency and
Amplitude reading of the marker will be displayed in marker window.
Figure 3-4 (below) illustrates the relationship between the Center Frequency and the Reference level.
Changing the Center Frequency will result in changing the signal position of the signal on the horizontal
line on display screen. Changing the Reference level will result in changing the vertical position of the
Signal on the display screen.
When the Span frequency is increased, the range of the frequency shown on the display also increases