Replace the compartment cover and follow
the charging instructions included with the
(Note: The DR-121 is the only battery that
can be recharged in this unit! Using the ex-
ternal power cable alone does not charge the
battery! You must use a charger supplied by
Lowrance in order to charge the battery. Also,
this charger will only charge a DR-121. It will
not charge any other type of battery, includ-
ing ni-cads or rechargeable alkallines.)
External Antenna
Although this GPS receiver is extremely sen-
sitive, it can be used in locations where the
built-in antenna simply cannot receive signals from enough satellites. A
second connector on the back of the unit is for an external antenna. The
Lowrance model EA-2 antenna plugs directly into this connector. Other
antennas may work. If you use an antenna other than Lowrance, it will
need to be a passive antenna. This unit does not supply power to the
There are 12 keys on the keyboard. You navi-
gate through the menus, adjust the chart’s
cursor, and enter data using the arrow keys.
The five major modes of operation are ac-
cessed using the PAGES key. Press the
MENU key to select or adjust a feature from
a list. The Z-IN and Z-OUT keys zoom-in or
zoom-out the view on the plotter screen. The
ENT and EXIT keys are used to enter or
clear data or screens. Save and edit way-
points using the WPT key. The PWR key turns the unit on and off. Press-
ing it once while the unit is operating turns on the screen’s backlight. To
prevent an accidental shutdown, you must hold the PWR key down for a
few seconds in order to turn the unit off.
Most of the unit’s features are found on “menus’. You can view the menus
by pressing the MENU key. This product has “Intelligent Menus”. There
are many menus that pertain to only the plotter, for example. When you