This unit has a sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset calculator that shows
this information anywhere or anytime in the world. To use it, press the
MENU key, then highlight the Sun/Moon Calc label and
press the right arrow key. Highlight either the sun or
moon calculator and press the right arrow key. The
screen shown at right appears if you chose the sunrise
calculator. (Both calculators work identically. We’ll con-
centrate on the sunrise/sunset calculator for this ex-
ample.) The sunrise and sunset for today’s date ap-
pear in the center of the screen. Today’s date shows at
the top of the screen. If you want to know the sunrise/
sunset for a different date, press the ENT key, then
enter the new date. The unit returns to the sunrise/sun-
set calculator screen with the sunrise and sunset times
shown for the date you entered.
The sunrise and sunset show for your present position. If you move the
plotter’s cursor to a different position before using this calculator, it will
show the sunrise/sunset for the cursor’s location.
The moonrise/moonset calculator works identically to
the sunrise/sunset calculator. It looks like the screen at
right. A moon symbol shows near the bottom of the
screen, showing the approximate phase of the moon.
The arrow next to the symbol shows if it is moving to-
wards a full moon (up) or a new moon (down).
Press the EXIT key to erase this screen.
A simulator is built into this unit that has several options. You can use
nearly all of the unit’s features - even save and recall waypoints. This is
useful for trip planning.
To use the simulator, press the MENU key, then press
the up or down arrow keys until the “Simulator Setup”
menu is surrounded by the black box. Now press the
right arrow key. The screen shown at right appears.
If you simply press the right arrow key, turning the simu-
lator on, the GlobalNav 212 will start from your present
position and follow a track of 355° at 100 miles per