The altitude window appears at the top of the screen.
To view a different window, press the left or right arrow
key. When the desired window appears, press the down
arrow key to select it. In this example, we selected the
digital clock. The unit adds this window to the selected
group. It then shows the selected window’s position,
as shown to the right of the instruction box. If you want
to delete this window from the group, simply press the
up arrow key.
The next window selected was ETE. Continue selecting
windows in this manner until all of the desired windows
have been added to the group.
When the last window has been added, the unit returns
to normal operation with the reprogrammed group
showing on the screen, as shown at right.
Reprogram Boxes
The digital boxes on the PLOT-2 and both NAV screens can also be re-
programmed, using a method similar to the one used to reprogram the
window groups.
To customize a screen, first switch to the screen that you want to custom-
ize. In this example, we’ll change Plot-2. Next, press the MENU key, then
highlight the “Reprogram Boxes” menu. Press the right arrow key. The
screen shown below center appears.
This is the plot-2 edit screen. The “BRG” box near the left corner flashes,
which means it’s ready for change. If you don’t want to change this box,