Replacing and Installing a New Elevation Motor
Repair Instructions
Elite Models that Apply: EL01-3
Removing The Case
Step 1.)
Unscrew the (6) phillips-head screws along the
bottom of the red case where it attaches to the chassis of
the machine. (2-front, 2-rear, one on each side)
Step 2.)
Unscrew the 4 black panel screws on the top left,
right, and bottom left, right sections of the panel. Pull the
panel out away from the case, and un-plug the Feed tab
(J23), and the positive and negative XLR wires coming from
the XLR Jack. Unscrew the ground wire coming from the Ball
Guide, to the control panel. Take this wire and wrap it
around the Deflector wire to keep it from touching the
control board.
Step 3.)
Lift the red case off the chassis and set it aside.
(Make sure to not allow the Ground Wire from the case to
touch the Green control board and panel- this could fry the
ground wire.)
Case Screws (Front & Rear)
Case Screws (Side)
Case Removed
Removing The Yoke Assembly
Step 1.)
Take off your server wheels by unscrewing the set
screw, and sliding the wheels off of the server motor shafts.
Step 2.)
With the front end of the machine facing you (the
pointer closest to you, and the handle furthest from you),
remove both of the server wheels.
Step 3.)
Passing through the center of the Yoke and the
davit assembly is the Yoke Bolt. (This bolt has a nut holding
it on the end of the Davit Right). Using a Crescent Wrench
and a 9/16” Wrench, unscrew and remove the Yoke Bolt,
the Small and Larger Spacer, and the 3 to 5 washers.
Carefully set these in separate safe location for later
1/8” Allen
The Server wheels.
The Yoke Bolt being removed.