LMI Corporation
Form: CA 183
R:\Quality\Calibration Instructions\G-WHIZ\CA 183 LMI G-
WHIZ User Guide.doc
Page 24 of 35
Four-character maximum user-defined description. Example: ABCD, LHFD, RR, etc.
Assigns the attributes in the row to a particular model number. Up to ten models can be configured
within one G-WHIZ gauge.
Each Model can be identified by an 8 character description. This only needs to be done for the first
door in each model. After changing the name, the user must single-click on another part of the grid
for the change to be activated.
Determines whether or not the door will be available for testing within the gauge.
This determines the sample rate measurement method used by the G-WHIZ. After changing the
desired algorithm, the user must single-click on another part of the grid for the change to be activated.
400 Hz Peak
– Data collected at 400 Hz sample rate. Peak velocity is returned. This is most common
setting for car doors and lift gates.
400 Hz Closing
– Data collected at 400 Hz sample rate. Velocity at a set distance from latch is
200 Hz Peak
– Determines peak velocity at 200 Hz sample rate.
200 Hz Closing
– Data collected at 200 Hz sample rate. Velocity at a set distance from latch is
100 Hz Peak
– Data collected at 100 Hz sample rate. Peak velocity is returned. Useful for sliding
100 Hz Closing
– Data collected at 100 Hz sample rate. Velocity at a set distance from latch is
800 Hz Peak
1600 Hz Peak
, and
3200 Hz Peak
are for door pop-off testing. Please consult
Addendum E for information on pop-off testing set up.
Slider (Y/N)
Check this box if the door to be measured is a slider. If not, leave this box blank.
Rank in Order
Determines which door is measured first, second, third, etc. For all applications, this should be left as
1-5 in sequential order. The first door to be tested will be 1, the second door will be 2, etc.
User-inserted lower-spec parameter limit. For most applications, this will be set to 0.
User-inserted upper-spec parameter limit. Maximum is 99.99. Any reading that falls below this value
and above the LSL will result in a green LED upon completion of a test.
The weight of the door in kilograms.
Center of Mass
Ratio of the total length of the door to the length from the door hinge to the center of gravity of the
V@D (Velocity at
Determines how far back from the latch the measurement will be reported if using Closing velocity.
This is useful when comparing the G-WHIZ to legacy systems that report from a given distance away
from the latch (eg, four inches off the latch).
Time Constant
Amount in tenths of a second that the operator’s hand is pushing the door. Default is 33 (.33
seconds). This field is not applicable when measuring Velocity.
If 0 is entered in this field, the time will become
, meaning that the operator’s
influence will be calculated into the equation. This is primarily used for testing and troubleshooting