Correct posture for measurement
1. Sit on a chair.
2. Lift your left hand slightly palm up and place your elbow
on the table.
3. Place the cuff at heart level by placing the forearm case
or a folded towel.
When there is no table
1. Sit on a chair
2. Place the cuff at heart level, lightly pressing
his left hand to his chest.
3. During the measurement, keep the left hand
slightly with your right hand.
Pressure measurement
while lying
1. Lie on your back
2. Place the cuff at heart level,
using a case or a folded
• Sit in a chair, take 5-6 deep breaths to relax before measurement.
• The results of measurements can vary slightly depending on the posture during the measurement. Do not cross your legs during the measurement.
• Measurements should be held at the same wrist in the same position.
• If the cuff is below (above) in relation to the heart, the measurements will be overstated (understated).