leCTroCounT Ground sTraP KIT
lectroCount Ground strap Kit
All seat cushions are grounded in a similar manner.
The illustrations on the next page detail the following
instructions for grounding three typical types of truck
To ground a truck seat:
1. Identify any adjustable, shock absorbing seat in the truck
cab. These seats will typically have pivot points, hinges,
or other mechanical design features that make seat
adjustments possible.
2. Find an existing screw or hole near the back of the seat
frame, close to the cab floor. If a hole or screw does not
already exist, drill a 9/32” hole in the seat frame.
3. Attach one end of the ground strap to the seat frame
bracket using the lock washer, flat washer and nut
4. Find an existing screw or hole, or drill a 9/32” hole,
in the part of the seat frame—above all pivots and
adjustments—that is attached directly to the seat cushion.
Make sure that there are no intervening pivot points,
guides, adjustment mechanisms, etc., which could
interfere with the ground path between the seat cushion
and the ground strap.
4a. If the seat cushion has a wooden base, use a wood
screw and washer to attach the strap lug to the bottom
of the seat at a point where the seat fabric is attached to
the wood. There must be good contact between the seat
fabric and ground strap lug.
5. Use the wire ties provided with the kit and tie off the strap
so that it doesn’t interfere with the movement of the seat
and is clear of traffic areas in the cab.
6. Check the strap for a good ground connection (see
Remove any dirt or oxidation from the ground strap
contact point. Lock washers should penetrate any
paint to ensure a good electrical connection.
Ensure a Good Ground
LectroCount Ground Strap Kit - 82185
Install the LectroCount Ground Strap Kit
before installing the LectroCount register.
esd Precaution
Some truck seats, typically passenger seats, are
not adjustable and do not require grounding.
Grounded Passenger Seats
TyPICal adjusTable TruCK seaTs & Ground CheCK
Checking for a Good Ground
After installing the ground kits, use a multimeter to confirm that the seat and printer are both grounded properly.
To check for a good ground connection:
1. Turn OFF all accessories, including the dome light, to prevent other currents from distorting the reading.
2. Take a multimeter and measure the resistance between the brackets the two ground strap bolts are fastened to. Find a clean
spot on the brackets without paint to use as contact points. Other bolts on the brackets are often suitable.
2a. If the resistance is less than 3Ω, the system is grounded adequately.
2b. If the resistance is still greater than 3Ω, check for proper metal to metal
contact on both ends of the ground strap. Clean any paint, dirt, or oxidation
that may block the grounding point. If the resistance remains above 3Ω,
attach the ground strap to a different ground point. Repeat the process until
the ground resistance is below 3Ω.
If the multimeter reads “
” or “
”, typically,
one of the accessories is still on.
Turn Off Accessories
aIr CushIon seaT -
(Bostrom 914 Series, National 2000 Series, or equivalent)
aIr CushIon seaT -
(Dura-Form or equivalent)
benCh seaTs -
(Manufacturer Standard or equivalent)
Typical adjustable Truck seats
If operator receives a ESD discharge when leaving the seat, the ground strap is not installed correctly.