Ampl Gen 1, 2, 3, 4
The amplitude of Generator 1 to 4, used for
N.B. In order to create the classic tremolo effect it is better
to use Main Amplitude as the modulation destination as
this is applied to the whole voice rather than a single
Pitch Gen 1, 2, 3, 4
The pitch of the respective Generator, used for
N.B. In order to create the classic vibrato effect it is better
to use Main Pitch as the modulation destination as this is
applied to the whole voice, not just one Generator.
AuxMod Gen 1, 2, 3, 4
The destination of AuxMod Gen 1, 2, 3, 4
depends on the type of Generator that is currently loaded
into the respective Generator’s slot. The available
destinations are as follows:
Loop-Sampler: Loop-Start
Time-Sampler: Time
Balance Gen 1, 2, 3, 4
Balance between Filter 1 and Filter 2 for the
respective Generator.
Cutoff 1, 2
Cutoff frequency of Filter 1 or 2, often used with an LFO
to create filter sweeps or with Velocity to simulate an
acoustic instrument's response to note attack.
Resonance 1, 2 Resonance of Filter 1 or 2, a rather subtle effect, typically
used with an LFO or for Keyscaling (Note Lin or Note Log
source) to adjust Resonance over the key range.
Env-Depth1, 2
The Filter Envelope Depth for Filter 1 and 2.
AuxMod Fil 1, 2 The destination of AuxMod Fil 1, 2 depends on the type of
Filter that is currently selected in the Filter panel. The
available destinations are as follows:
Pan Fil 1, 2
The output Pan position of Filter 1 and 2.
C r o n o X 3
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