Each filter has its own "Sat" (Saturation) circular slider located on the far left
of the filter section. The Sat circular slider is used to overdrive the CronoX
3's filters creating a warm, distorted sound.
Cutoff is used to set the frequency (in Hz) above which frequencies are
filtered out of the signal. When using the Low Pass filters higher settings
produce brighter sounds while lower settings result in darker sounds. When
using the High Pass filters higher settings produce thinner, brighter sounds,
while lower settings produce fatter, darker sounds. The value of the cutoff
frequency can be changed in any one of three ways: by changing the X
parameter of the X-Y controller, by moving the Cutoff circular slider, and by
clicking and dragging on the value in the Cutoff display.
Resonance is used to set the amount of emphasis around the cutoff
frequency. Higher settings create a more pronounced peak in the signal
while lower settings produce a flatter response. The value of the
Resonance can be changed in any one of three ways: by changing the Y
parameter of the X-Y controller, by moving the Resonance circular slider,
and clicking and by dragging on the value in the Resonance display.
Filter Envelope
The Filter Envelope section is located on the right of the Filter module’s
user interface.
The Filter Envelope section contains several parameter controls. These are:
KeyTrack ( Key Tracking), Env Amt (Envelope Amount), Envelope
Direction, ADSFR controls for each envelope parameter, a Lin/Log control,
a Pan control and a Volume control.
Clicking on the “Env” label at the top right of Filter Envelope section opens a
popup menu containing the following functions: “Copy”, “Paste” and “Init”.
The “Copy” and “Paste” functions allow current Envelope settings to be
copied and pasted into any Envelope module. The Init (“Initialization”)
function restores the Envelope module to its default values.
Key Tracking is used to control the degree to which the filter tracks the MIDI
note's frequency.
Envelope Amount is used to set the degree to which the filter's envelope
affects the signal. Setting Env Amt to 0.00 means that the envelope has no
effect on the filter while 1.00 means that the filter is modulated by the
envelope's full range.
C r o n o X 3
User Guide