G4 Wiring and Installation Manual
© 2009 Link
Nitrous Oxide Switch
Anti-theft Switch
AC Request Switch
Digital Inputs have a software selectable pull-up resister that can be enabled when
measuring from ground switching devices (such as hall effect sensors).
Digital Input Specifications:
Low Level Input < 1V
High Level Input > 2 V
Digital Input Pull-up Resister (if enabled) 4k7 Ohm to 12V
Maximum input v/- 50 V
Trigger Inputs
Trigger inputs are required from crank/cam angle sensor(s) (CAS) for the G4 ECU to
calculate the current engine speed and position.
G4 ECU's use on board digital trigger decoding to to determine engine position from the
given signals. Set-up of the trigger inputs is performed using PCLink Tuning Software.
Contact your nearest Link dealer for advice on wiring and set-up of trigger inputs if unsure.
Trigger 1 is used to determine crankshaft position. Trigger 2 is used to determine the
engines position in the firing order. In all cases Trigger 1 will need to be used. In many
cases Trigger 2 must also be used.
Engines with Variable Valve Timing may also require Digital Inputs be wired to cam shaft
position sensors.
Refer to the Trigger Wiring section for more information about trigger requirements for
different ignition/injection set-ups.
After reading this chapter you should be able to complete a list outlining the basic
configuration that will be used. It is important to write such a list as you will need to set up
each output in PCLink Tuning Software later on. An example of such a list is shown below.
A blank table to be filled out by the installer is given in the following chapter.
Configuration: 6 Cylinder, direct spark, sequential injection, turbocharged,
variable valve timing
Trigger 1
Crank Angle Sensor
Trigger 2
Cam Angle Sensor
Analogue Volt 1
MAP Sensor (Link 2.5 Bar)
Analogue Volt 2
Throttle Position (TPS)
Analogue Volt 3
After market Wide-band O2 Controller
Analogue Volt 4
Factory Narrow Band O2 (0-1V)
Analogue Volt 5 to 8
Analogue Temp Input 1
Engine Coolant Temperature
Analogue Temp Input 2
Inlet Air Temperature
Analogue Temp Input 3
Fuel Temperature