G4 Wiring and Installation Manual
© 2009 Link
resistance across the two terminals of the injector;
If the injector resistance is greater than 6 O then the injectors are high impedance
and no ballast resistors are required,
If the injector resistance is less than 6 O then ballast resistors will be required.
High Impedance Injectors
All G4 ECU's can drive up to two high impedance injectors off each Injector Drive. It is
recommended to wire a single injector to each injector drive. On engines with more
cylinders than the ECU has Injection Drives injectors should be paired.
Wiring for high impedance injectors is shown below.
High Impedance Injector Wiring
Low Impedance Injectors
Xtreme ECUs can drive low impedance injectors directly the same as wiring high impedance
injectors. When driving low impedance injectors directly it is essential that before running
the engine the correct Injection Mode (Peak and Hold) and Peak and Hold Currents are
configured using PCLink Tuning Software.
Storm ECUs have saturated injection drivers only. This means that:
Low impedance injectors can NOT be wired directly to a Storm ECU.
To use a Storm on an engine equipped with low impedance injectors, ballast resisters must
be installed. Note that most vehicles factory fitted with low impedance injectors will have
factory fitted ballast resisters.
Wiring Ballast Resistors
Storm ECUs can drive up to 2 low impedance injectors on one Injection Drive WITH
BALLAST RESISTORS FITTED. Ballast resistors must be used to limit the current through
the injectors and injector drive to avoid damage.
It is recommended to wire a single injector to each injector drive. On engines with more
than eight cylinders injectors should be paired.