First Time Setup
© 2009 Link
1. Turn the ignition key OFF then ON. The fuel
pump should prime momentarily upon power up.
2. Connect the ECU to PCLink Tuning Software.
3. Click on each of the runtime value tabs (located
about two thirds of the way down the screen) and
check that all values are as expected. Where
possible operate sensors (e.g. TPS) to ensure
correct readings are displayed. The following
values should be checked:
a. TPS – spans from 0 to 100% when throttle is
pressed. If not, perform a TPS Calibration.
b. MAP – should read approx 101 kPa (at sea
level) with the engine not running. If not, check
the MAP Sensor Type setting and perform a
MAP Calibration.
c. ECT – should read current engine temperature.
d. IAT – should read current intake air
e. Digital Inputs – Operate switches connected to
any digital inputs while watching the runtime
value to ensure they operate as expected.
4. Rectify any faults found in Step 3.
5. Click on the ‘Fuel’ heading, then ‘Fuel Set-up’:
a. Locate the ‘Master’ setting. This will need to be
adjusted during or just after start-up.
6. Crank the engine until it starts. Some throttle may
be required for first time start-up due to imperfect
tuning. If necessary adjust the Master setting to
enrich/lean the engine (increase to enrich).
7. If the engine fails to start after several attempts,
do not crank it endlessly. Stop and determine the
problem before continuing.
8. Check the Trigger Error Counter (found under the
Triggers runtime values tab). If this value
increases during cranking/running then there is a
trigger setup fault. It is not unusual for this
number to count one or two on the first engine
9. Once the engine starts, adjust the ‘Master’ setting
to achieve best possible running.
10.The engine should now be allowed to fully warm
up. It may be necessary to readjust ‘Master’
several times to maintain smooth running. Don’t
forget to keep an eye on engine temperature.
11.Once the engine is warmed up and running well,
perform another trigger calibration (known “as
setting the base timing”).
12.Perform a Store by pressing F4.