Component Installation Locations
© 2009 Link
MAP Sensor Location
A Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) sensor is required for almost all applications. Storm
ECU's have an internal MAP sensor but can also be wired using an external MAP sensor.
Xtreme ECU's require the installation of an external MAP sensor. The MAP Sensor should
be installed in a location near the engine, but away from excessive heat, vibration and
moisture. It is not recommended to mount the MAP sensor directly on the engine. Refer to
Input Wiring section for more information on plumbing and wiring the MAP sensor.
Ideally the MAP sensor should be mounted higher than the inlet manifold so that moisture
will not condense in the MAP sensor hose.
Storm Header Pinout
Viewed looking into ECU header (or wire side of loom connector)
* Pin can be used as either An Volt 2 or DI 4