4.1 User Interface
Dashboard (displayed on-screen in the SafetyMonitor application) is the main control and display component of Safety-
Monitor. This user interface is used by nurses to check the Bed Exit monitoring of all beds connected to the system, to
set up and monitor other clinical parameters on all connected beds and to work with the system. Usually, user interface
screens are located in the nurse station or in visible places in the medical facility corridors.
4.2 Localisation Transmitter (Tag)
Tag is placed on the room wall in front of each bed.
It is powered by an internal battery (part of Tag), so no installation of power distribution is required.
Tag sends an infrared signal indicating its identifi cation and battery charge status.
Tag is installed on the wall by gluing. Installation is carried out at a height of 20 cm above the fl oor surface, in front
of the bed in the middle of the parking position. Tag life is 5 years. It is necessary to replace Tag after this time.
Tag can recognize and identify a bed located in a defi ned parking position (i.e. a room space intended for bed operation)
within the hospital. Tag is a standard part of SafetyMonitor. Thanks to the position information of the bed, SafetyMonitor
can display where the bed is located, and it monitors its data within pre-defi ned parking positions.
The localisation set for each bed consists of 2 parts: Tag (transmitter) on the room wall and receiver on the bed. To local-
ise the bed, the integration module (IM), which transmits localisation information to the server, also needs to be mounted
on the bed.
Change of the bed position will be displayed on the ward terminal in about 3 to 9 minutes after the
physical change of the bed position.
4.3 Localisation Receiver
The system receiver is located on the front of the bed chassis so that it is directly visible on Tag.
The receiver is connected via cable to the IM from which it is powered and to which it transmits information about
the found Tag.
For the system to function properly, it is necessary to ensure direct visibility between Tag (transmitter) and the
receiver on the bed. Any object covering the receiver or transmitter (bed accessories, bedding ,etc.) will disable the func-
4.4 Bed Parking Position
In order for the SafetyMonitor system to operate correctly and the receiver with the localisation transmitter to
pair, the centre of the head board must face the wall to where Tag is located!
The bed parking position is a specifi c place in the room intended for the bed location.
To transfer the bed to another parking space:
Pull out the network cable from the socket / unplug the power cord and disconnect the LAN cable
When the bed is disconnected from the power supply, a warning sounds when the bed is powered by the emergency
battery only. In this case, it goes into sleep mode when SafetyMonitor does not work.
The set monitoring functions are active until the light display on the bed display goes out.
Release the bed brake
Park the bed in the new parking place and brake
Plug the bed into the socket, or connect LAN
Check that SafetyMonitor is ON