Service & Maintenance
Lindab reserves the right to make changes without prior notice
Lindab reserves the right to make changes without prior notice
lindab | for a better climate
2.3 Changing the airflow
– Measure the static nozzle pressure
– Locate the air pressure/airflow diagram on the faceplate, or see diagram 1-2.
– Find the mean value of the four pins to reach the desired airflow, in the diagram on
the faceplate. Use the static nozzle pressure and the desired airflow to find the mean
value of the four pins.
– Adjust the four pins in the corners, so the mean value of the pins will correspond with
the mean value found in the diagram.
– Example: Pin setting: 6+6+8+8 = 28 / 4 = mean value 7.
3.0 Maintenance
The interval of cleaning depends on the indoor environment where the beam is placed.
Under optimal conditions the Architect beams only need cleaning every 5 years.
3.1 Cleaning instructions
– Remove the faceplate.
– Clean underneath the battery with a vacuum cleaner and a piece of wet cloth.
– Demount the inspection hatch in the opposite end of the air connection, in a turn and
pull motion.
– Clean the inside of the beam with a vacuum cleaner and a piece of wet cloth.
– Only use lukewarm water and a mild detergent.