The ALPIN MASTER 128 contains one rhythm guitar in Oberkrainer style. Major, minor, septime and
diminished chords are available in short and long strummed variations. See page 14 for a diagram of
how the chords are assigned to the keys. When you press a key, a complete chord is played. This means
that your MIDI system must be able to play just the base note on the accompaniment bass. Normally in the
C-major chord, three notes are played: C, E and G. When a chord guitar program is selected, C-major,
E-major and G-major play simultaneously.
In addition, the LIMEX MIDI System MPR3 plays this base tone in the pre-programmed octave on the chord keys major,
minor, 7th and diminished.
This formula was first introduced by SOLI-MUSIC 1994 and has been a part of LIMEX MIDI systems since 2001.
LIMEX MIDI System MPR3 patches are already perfectly adjusted for this system, so you don’t have to lift a finger.
Playing techniques
There are many ways to apply the rhythm guitar.
1. Standard version
Programs 21-23 are regular rhythm guitars, meaning that if you press 3 keys, 3 strings will be played; 5 keys pressed, 5
strings are played. Program 24 simulates a disharmonious guitar strumming sound. No matter which key you press, the
sound always fits, but it isn’t as resonant as the 3 special chord guitar programs, 1, 7 and 13.
2. Chord guitar programs
Every key pressed plays a chord. The accompaniment bass keys play these programs perfectly. A compact, recorded
chord always sounds more authentic than three individual strings played at the same time.
The only problem is its use on bass keys. The chord guitar sounds perfect and powerful when played on the ground
bass, but when you play alternating bass, there are problems with the chord.
Chord conflict, programs 1-16 on bass
When you play a major chord of the bass on every ground bass, the following occurs:
C bass and C-major guitar / C chord bass and C-major guitar / G alternating bassline and G-major guitar / C chord
bass and C-major guitar
This means that the guitar chord on the third bass tone in C-major plays incorrectly. A G alternating bassline is played
when it should play a C-major chord.
At present, we have no way of telling the bass G note that it is sometimes a G-major alternating bassline but should be a
C chord; and another time it should be a G-major base tone and play a G-major chord.
Resolving the chord conflict
The only solution to the chord conflict is to avoid playing any guitar sound on the bass, but rather learn how to play the
chord key at the same time as the bass is played. The only question is, who can do that and who wants to create a who-
le new style just to do it?
5. Masking effect of our ears
When you are also playing on the treble side of the instrument, the incorrect chord – if it’s not pressed too long – will
be drowned out. If you play bass and chord only on the left side of your instrument, you will always hear the wrong
chord. LIMEX MIDI system patches include a chord guitar on bass. Simply turn off the volume for this sound to avoid
the problem.
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