LMS7002M Quick Starter Manual for EVB7 kit
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P a g e
Version: 2.2
Last modified: 29/09/2014
A successful ping result should be returned as shown in
Figure 49
CMD window showing successful ping
To send wfm files to the signal generator the following procedure should be followed.
Ensure that the wfm files are in a known directory e.g.
In the ‘Command Prompt’ window set the directory to the one where the wfm files are
located using the “CD” command.
Use FTP to send files to the signal generator.
Type ‘ftp’ as shown in Figure 50.
Figure 50 CMD window with ftp connection
If you are correctly connected, then the above should be returned.
Press ‘return’ twice (for user name and password – none needed)
Type ‘cd bbg1’
Type ‘cd waveform’
Type ‘bin’
Type ‘put wcdma31.wfm’
The applied command copies files to the sig gen – repeat ‘put’ command for all files
needed as shown in Figure 51.