Document 36 II Guardian Version 1.02 © Copyright 2008 LPI
HVSC Downconductor clearance holes
Before running the HVSC downconductor through any clearance holes, ensure that:
• A minimum hole diameter of 60mm (2 3/8”) is used.
• Enough protection is provided so that the HVSC downconductor is not damaged during or
after installation.
• A waterproofing sealant or sealing gland should be used if the hole needs to be
The routing of the HVSC downconductor needs to follow these guidelines:
• The route of the HVSC downconductor should be as set out in the original design. Ensure
no structural changes such as new antenna or mast installations, air conditioning
towers or ducting has been installed.
• DO NOT double the HVSC downconductor back against itself after changes of direction, ie.
• The HVSC downconductor may be installed internally or externally on the structure.
• The HVSC downconductor should be installed as close (flush) as possible to the structure.
• Minimise the number of bends and use the most direct route to ground.
• Minimise strain on the HVSC downconductor.
• Ensure minimum bend radius maintained ›500mm (20in.).
• Parallel routing with other services – Minimum separation = 2m. See Figure 12 on page 19.
• If the HVSC downconductor has to cross other services make sure it crosses at right angles
using a conduit that extends at least 1m past either side of the existing service.
• The lower end of the HVSC downconductor must terminate close to the initial injection
point of the lightning earth.
• Be sure to allow for enough slack in the HVSC at the top end for connection to the Guardian
CAT Terminal and the raising of the mast.
Guardian Install Manual V12.indd 20
22/9/08 4:25:23 PM