Document 36 II Guardian Version 1.02 © Copyright 2008 LPI
HVSC Downconductor
(Disconnected from
LP Earth)
Ground Resistance
LP Earthing System
Structure Earth Cable
(Disconnected from
LP Earth)
6. Reconnect the structure earth bonding cable to the lightning earth and measure and record
in column 5 the earth resistance reading.
7. Use a multimeter to measure the continuity between the inner and outer conductors of the
HVSC downconductor. The measurement should exceed 10,000 ohms.
8. Reconnect the HVSC lower termination to the lightning earth and re-seal the termination
using waterproofing tape to ensure that it is waterproof.
9. Report any problems arising from the above tests to your local LPI distributor for further
Figure 45.
Guardian Install Manual V12.indd 48
22/9/08 4:25:28 PM