Document 36 II Guardian Version 1.02 © Copyright 2008 LPI
LPI’s Guardian System 5 Lightning Protection System is guaranteed against defects in materials
and workmanship for a period of 5 years from the original sales date when it was purchased
from LPI or one of its authorised distributors.
The warranty is limited to the ex factory cost of replacement of equipment providing it has been
installed and or certified by LPI or its distributor. All other costs such as freight, re-installation,
loss of profit, insurance premiums are not included.
Responsibility for other direct or indirect damages or death is also specifically excluded from
the warranty.
The range of Guardian CAT terminals (or to our knowledge any other lightning protection
system) cannot provide 100% protection and therefore it is not inferred.
As confirmation of the above paragraph we refer to Australian Standard AS 1768 (2007).
Lightning Protection
Comments on the Australian Standard AS 1768 (2007).
We refer to the standard where it states that it provides authoritative guidance of a general
nature only and it is not intended to become a mandatory set of regulations.
In general, it is not economically possible to provide total protection against all the possible
damaging effects for lightning, but the recommendations in this standard will reduce the
probability of damage to a calculated acceptable level and will minimise any lightning damage
that does occur.
Thunderstorms are natural phenomena and there are no proven devices and methods capable
of preventing lightning flashes. Direct and nearby cloud-to-ground lightning discharges
can be hazardous to persons, structures, installations and many other things in or on them.
Consideration should always be given to the application of lightning protection measures.
Users are warned that direct strike lightning protection is only one aspect of the overall
protection strategy required for comprehensive structural, personnel and equipment safety.
Correctly designed and installed low impedance earthing, elimination of earth loops, systems
engineering, surge protection on power lines and transient protection of communications, data
and telephone lines are also essential.
Guardian Install Manual V12.indd 5
22/9/08 4:25:19 PM