© 2013 LifeSource Water Systems, Inc.
• Chemical f
ree scale prevention. Cost savings and environmental benefits.
Virtually maintenance free. No salt bags or other chemicals to buy, transport and store.
• No electricit
y, no wastewater, completely self-contained.
• Beneficial minerals
retained for more healthful drinking water.
• Imp
roves the efficiency of water-using appliances.
• Simple installation – no electrical and drain hookup.
• Safe for landscaping and lawn watering. No need to costly bypass plumbing.
• Compatible with all on-site and community wastewater t
reatment systems.
• Not subject to water softener
restrictions and “bans”.
The LifeSource ScaleSolver™ provides protection from scale formation throughout the home. The ScaleSolver™
can be installed at the point of entry to treat your entire home, both hot and cold water, or it can be located
directly before a water heater or other device (e.g. sauna, etc) that requires protection from hard water.
ScaleSolver™ reduces or eliminates scale formation on internal and external plumbing surfaces as well as reduc-
ing spotting and streaking normally associated with hard water. ScaleSolver™prevents scale by transforming the
normal dissolved hardness minerals into undissolved crystal micro-particles. These crystals stay suspended in the
water and have a greatly reduced ability to react and attach to surfaces like dissolved hardness does. Therefore
the problem of internal buildup of scale in pipes, water heaters and on fixtures and glass is greatly reduced.
ScaleSolver™ is not a water softener. Low or phosphate-free cleaning products are recommended to achieve
optimum results. Modern surfactant or detergent based, liquid soaps are preferred over old-fashioned caustic
solid soaps.
Unlike softened water, ScaleSolver™ treated water maintains the beneficial, essential mineral content of your
water and is safe to drink.
ScaleSolver Benefits
ScaleSolver™ 4025 cartridge
Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual
ScaleSolver SSC-4025