T4 EEG Amplifier User Manual
The event list allows the user not only to see when events took place, but to also view the data be-
hind those events.
To display a page of EEG around an event of interest, double click on the event in the list. To navi-
gate forwards or backwards, press the forward or backward arrow buttons. Or you can go to a par-
ticular time in the recording by entering the time (as hrs, min, sec) in the recording time fields.
Montage Editor
This is available via the Setup | Montage menu on the main screen, and displays the Montage Edi-
tor as shown below.
The Montage Editor allows the setting-up of 16 user montages and the As-recorded montage. Note
that the As-recorded montage can only have its channel on/off and channel master/special control
edited (and if special, the channel sensitivity and filters). All the other 16 user montages are fully
definable and can have the following parameters set for each channel:
Active channel name. This is either chosen from the drop-down list representing the current Sig-
nal Library signals, or typed in directly.
Ref. channel name. This is either chosen from the drop-down list representing the current Signal
Library signals, plus Ref and Gnd, or typed in directly.
Channel On or Off. If off, the channel label is greyed-out and no trace is displayed.
Master or Special Control. If Special, then the Sensitivity, Low Filter and High Filter can be set.
Additional controls are provided to allow:
Update. Copies the current settings into the currently selected channel.
Add. This adds a channel to the end of the Montage list.
Insert. This insert a channel above the currently selected channel.
Remove. This removes the currently selected channel.
Montage name.
If anything is changed, an option is presented to save all changes to disk or not. If not saved,
changes are only temporary.
Note that some of the montage parameters can be changed outside the Montage Editor, by clicking
on a channel label to bring up the Channel Information window. These changes are only temporary
(although you can save them later by subsequently going into the Montage Editor).
Figure 19 Montage Editor