T4 EEG Amplifier User Manual
Figure 6 New Patient database
The database allows you to enter more extensive information about the patient and recording, and
save it for future reference. See the section entitled ‘Advanced options’.
Step 2 Define the signals – if required
Defining signals is usually done once only or very occasionally. The T4 Amplifier arrives with a de-
fault set of signals that should suffice for most applications, hence it may only necessary to add
signal types for polygraphic recordings (airflow, respiration etc).
If for any reason the signals have not been created, it is necessary to define all the signals (labels)
that are to be used for montage creation in Step 3. The signal editor allows the creation of up to 64
distinct signals ranging from the standard 10/20 EEG signals such as FP1 O2, to Respiration, Pulse
and other polygraphy inputs.
Step 3 explains how to calibrate an AUX input.
To define a signal:
1 Click the View all signals tab in the Signal editor dialog box.
Figure 7 Signal List
2 Double click on the signal you want to edit. This brings up the Signal editor tab), allowing you to
create a relevant signal or label to be entered into the signal list.