- Decide to enter 'Setup Menu Display' or not in the 'Main Menu' by setting 'Setup Menu Display' as
Yes(Enter Possible) or No(Enter Impossible) on the "LG Hotel Mode Setup" OSD .
(3) setup Menu Display
- Decide to change channel or not by setting 'Programme Change' as Yes(Change Possible) or
No(Change Impossible) when present source is TV .
- When 'Programme Change' is set to No(Change Impossible), Programme Key, Numeral Key, List Key,
TV / RAD Key, Q .View Key doesn't work and entering 'Channel Menu' in the Main Menu OSD is impos-
sible .
- When 'Programme Change’ is set to Yes(Change Possible), Programme Key, Numeral Key, List Key,
TV / RAD Key, Q .View Key does work and entering' Channel Menu' in the Main Menu OSD is possible .
- When 'Programme Change' is set to No(Change Impossible), 'Programme' item in 'On Time' menu will
be fixed .
- When 'Programme Change' is set to No(Change Impossible), entering 'Setup Menu' in the 'Main Menu'
OSD is impossible regardless of 'Setup Menu Display' item .
(4) programme change
- Decide to change input source or not by setting 'Input Source Change' as Yes(Change possible) or No
(Change impossible) .
- When 'Input Source Change' is set to No(Change impossible), TV/RADIO key and INPUT key doesn't
work .
- When 'Input Source Change' is set to No(Change impossible), user's input (pressing Programme key,
numeral key, List key, Q .View key in all Input source except TV source) doesn't work and when enter-
ing 'Setup Menu' item in the 'Main Menu OSD' except TV mode doesn't accepted .
Because entering 'Setup Menu' item makes present mode as TV mode even though present mode is
not TV mode .
For the function that turns to TV mode doesn't work .
- When 'Input Source Change' is set to Yes(Change possible), then changing input source is available .
- When 'Input Source Change' is set to No(Change Impossible), TV set always turns on fixed input
source and volume information regardless of already set Programme information .
- When 'Input Source Change' is set to No(Change Impossible), entering 'Setup Menu' except TV mode
doesn't possible regardless of 'Programme Change' or 'Setup Menu Display' item .
- When this is set to No, it will only be turned on with the volume information in the input source irrelevant
from the PR and information set in On Time .
(5) Input source change
- Function to decide whether work with menu of local key or not .
- Set YES(Work) or NO(Do Not Work) .
- Although select NO(Do Not Work), the action that press a Home button for 5 seconds to enter
Installation Menu is available .
- When select Yes(Work), Menu works .
(6) Menu Display