Operation and settings
Configuration menu is not allowed.
A power user can use the Live
View, PTZ control, OSD control and
audio functions.
Normal user: Provides the lowest
level of access. Allows to view live
images only.
Custom user: The user can login
and view the live stream image
only when the “Enable anony-
mous login” option is checked to
enable it.
Remember the password.
Edit the registered user
You can change the password or authority.
1. Choose the user ID and then click the
[Edit] button.
2. Change the Password or Authority, then
click the [Save] button to confirm your
Delete the registered user
1. Choose the user ID you want to delete.
2. Click the [Remove] button.
The default administrator user ID ‘admin’ is
permanent and cannot be deleted.
Enable anonymous login
Check the box to enable anonymous user
login - allows the user access for only view-
ing the live stream image.
Maximum RTP stream connection
Maximum number of simultaneous stream
Set this number to limit the number of
simultaneous stream connections.
The connections depend on the stream
configuration as shown in the following
Maximum RTP stream connection by stream