PKI Pre-Installation Guide
Version 2.0.0
Page 19
This application is used to enhance the standard email functionality available on the device. The
enhanced features available include:
User Authorization to restrict access to certain Active Directory Groups
Greater control of the Email User Interface
Setting the From address to that of the authenticated user
Limiting to whom emails can be sent
Signing and Encrypting the email body and attachments
If email is disabled on the device or any of the enhanced features are not necessary, this
application does not need to be installed.
5.1 Email User Authorization
Email access can be left open for all authenticated users or it can be restricted to certain Active
Directory groups.
If User Authorization is enabled, it can be used to restrict access to the Email function.
For email access, select the appropriate authorization setting.
All Users Can Send Emails – no restrictions
Only Users in the Groups specified in item 2 can send emails
All Users Except those in the Groups specified in item 2 can send emails
If User Authorization is enabled and the device access setting in item 1 requires groups to
be included or excluded, list the Active Directory group names here.
5.2 Email Server Setup
The Email Server Settings are usually configured as part of the initial MFP setup. If that has not
been done, the following information will be needed.
IP Address or Hostname of SMTP Server and the port used (typically 25). A primary and
secondary address can be specified.
IP Address or Name: __________________________________ Port: _______