PKI Pre-Installation Guide
Version 2.0.0
Page 17
This application is used if User Authorization is needed for the standard copy, fax, and/or ftp
device functions; otherwise, this application does not need to be installed. To use this
application, the PKI/AD Authentication application must be installed and the User Authorization
setting in that application must be enabled and configured. (See section 3.3 for more
information.) To disable any of the standard device functions for all users, see the MFP
Configuration Guide.
4.1 Copy
Copy access can be left open for all authenticated users or it can be restricted to certain Active
Directory groups. If restricted to certain groups, Copy should not be enabled on the Login
Screen. (See section 3.1.1 for more information).
If User Authorization is enabled, it can be used to restrict access to the Copy function.
For copy access, select the appropriate authorization setting.
All Users Can Make Copies – no restrictions
Only Users in the Groups specified in item 2 can use make copies
All Users Except those in the Groups specified in item 2 can make copies
If User Authorization is enabled and the device access setting in item 1 requires groups to
be included or excluded, list the Active Directory group names here.
4.2 Fax
Fax access can be left open for all authenticated users or it can be restricted to certain Active
Directory groups. If restricted to certain groups, Fax should not be enabled on the Login Screen.
(See section 3.1.2 for more information).