ODS 96
Leuze electronic
Load parameters
Use this button if you want to reload settings that have already been
Choose the appropriate path in the dialog window.
Save parameters
Save personal settings:
After you have performed measurements, klick on Save parameters.
Save your results in the desired directory.
If necessary, Leuze electronic can only deliver replacement sensors with de-
fault settings. You as customer are responsible for correct storage of your
changed data sets.
Read parameter from
Use this button if you want to read the present settings from the ODS.
The ODS 96 transmits the data to the PC.
Write parameters to
After having finished work in the parameterization mode, use this button
to write the new settings to the ODS.
Quit parameterization
To ensure that all data has been sent correctly to the ODS, use the button
Quit parameterization only after the status line in the lower left corner of the
parameter window shows the message Parameters written to ODS.