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6.1 How to replace INPUT fuse for NB7525 and NB1K25
6.1.1 Turn off the UPS.
6.1.2 Use screwdriver to release input fuse.
6.1.3 Replace blown fuse with the new one. (Replace with the same type and same
rating fuse only.)
6.1.4 Assemble the fuse holder to the same position. Then, turn on the UPS.
If the UPS does not operate properly and you cannot solve the problems using this
troubleshooting information in this user's guide, please contact your LEONICS local
distributor, LEONICS Service Center, send e-mail to [email protected] or visit
Replace input fuse (10 A) following section 6.1
Turn on BATTERY circuit breaker following section
Replace input fuse (15 A) following section 6.1
Turn on BATTERYcircuit breaker following section
Turn on INPUT circuit breaker following section
Turn on BATTERY circuit breaker following section
Turn on INPUT circuit breaker following section
Turn on BATTERY circuit breaker following section
Check BREAKER FUSE inside the fuse holder of
BATTERY unit whether it is blown (Only NBP0811
and NBP1011). If it is blown, replace the new fuse
with same size and same rating as the original one.
NBP 7525
NB 1K25
NB 2K25
NBP 3K25
NBP 5K25
NBP 6K25
NBP 0811
NBP 1011
No indicator displays at the panel when the
UPS is turned on.
UPS does not supply backup power when
power fails.
No indicator displays at the panel when the
UPS is turned on.
UPS does not supply backup power when
power fails.
No indicator display at the panel when the
UPS is turned on.
UPS does not supply backup power when
power fails.
No indicator displays at the panel when the
UPS is turned on.
UPS does not supply backup power when
power fails.
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6.2 How to turn on INPUT circuit breaker for NB2K25, NBP 3K25, NBP 5K25
NBP 6K25, NBP 0811 and NBP 1011
6.2.1 Turn off the UPS by pressing the POWER button at the front panel.
6.2.2 Turn on the INPUT circuit breaker
6.2.3 Turn on the UPS by pressing the POWER button at the front panel.
6.3 How to turn on BATTERY circuit breaker
6.3.1 Turn off the UPS by pressing the POWER button at the front panel.
6.3.2 Turn on the INPUT circuit breaker.
6.3.3 Turn on the UPS by pressing the POWER button at the front panel and wait
until INVERTER indicator is lit.
6.3.4 Turn on the BATTERY circuit breaker.
Turn on the UPS by pressing the POWER button first every time.
Do not turn on the BATTERY BREAKER when the UPS is still operating
because it may damage.
7.1 LEONICS UPS does not need any special maintenance. Just only keep it away from
dust and humidity. Anyway, if any of following items occurred, please contact us
or our nearest service center.
7.1.1 Part of the cable is cut, broken or damaged.
7.1.2 The inside is wet with any kind of liquids.
7.1.3 The metal cabinet is broken.
7.1.4 The UPS is dropped, fallen, crashed or hit.
7.1.5 User notices abnormal conditions under normal use.
7.2 Under normal operation and continuous use, expected life time of ventilation fan is
approximately 20,000 hours.
7.3 Even though the backup batteries are maintenance free type, user still need to check
them every year to make sure that they are at good condition by following the
procedure on the next page,