Lenze 13466147 EDBSM01 v19 EN
Commissioning 4
INCREASE FREQ: Closing TB-13E to TB-11 will increase the speed setpoint until the contact is
opened. INCREASE FREQ will only work when the drive is running. TB-13B must be programmed
START FORWARD: Sets up the drive for a 3-wire start/stop circuit. Momentarily close TB-13E to
TB-11 to start the drive, and momentarily open TB-1 to TB-11 to stop.
EXTERNAL FAULT: Sets TB-13E as a normally closed external fault input. Open TB-13E to TB-11
to trip the drive.
INVERSE EXTERNAL FAULT: Sets TB-13E as a normally open external fault input. Close TB-13E
to TB-11 to trip the drive.
AUXILIARY STOP: When TB-13E is opened with respect to TB-11, the drive will decelerate to a
STOP (even if STOP METHOD is set to COAST) at the rate set into ACCEL/DECEL #2 (Parameter
ACCEL/DECEL #2: Selects the acceleration and deceleration time programmed into ACCEL/
DECEL #2 (Parameter 42).
The following output functions can be selected for P12. The terms "open" and "close" refer to the
state of the internal transistor that activates the circuit. When the transistor is "closed" the circuit is
complete, and TB-13E is pulled up to 15 VDC (when "open", TB-13E is at 0 VDC potential).
RUN: Closes upon a START command. Opens if the drive is in a STOP state, the drive faults, or
input power is removed. DC braking is considered a STOP state.
FAULT: Closes if there is no fault condition. Opens if the drive faults, or input power is removed.
INVERSE FAULT: Closes if the drive faults. Opens if there is no fault condition.
FAULT LOCKOUT: Closes when input power is applied. Opens if three restart attempts are
unsuccessful, or if input power is removed.
AT SET SPEED: Closes if the drive is 0.5 Hz of the speed setpoint.
ABOVE PRESET SPEED #3: Closes if the output frequency exceeds PRESET SPEED #3 (Parameter
33). Opens if the output frequency is equal to or less than PRESET SPEED #3.
CURRENT LIMIT: Closes if the output current exceeds the CURRENT LIMIT setting. Opens if the
output current is equal to or less than CURRENT LIMIT (see Parameter 25).
AUTOMATIC SPEED MODE: Closes if an AUTOMATIC (terminal strip) speed reference is active.
Opens if a STANDARD (Parameter 5) speed reference is active.
REVERSE: Closes when reverse rotation is active. Opens when forward rotation is active (refer
to Parameter 17 - ROTATION DIRECTION).
DYNAMIC BRAKING: TB-13E becomes the "trigger" that activates the optional external Dynamic
Braking module. Refer to the instructions included with the Dynamic Braking option.
REMOTE KEYPAD: When the Remote Keypad option is being used, TB-13E must be set for
this function. Also, TB-13B (Parameter 11) must be set for Remote Keypad (13) and CONTROL
(Parameter 14) must be set for REMOTE KEYPAD ONLY (02).