In this view, you can change the machine settings. Depending on the user logged in, certain settings are locked or not
visible. To display or change all settings, log in as "Admin". (See also the table of authorizations for individual users).
If you have made a change, it will be saved automatically. The next time the system is started up, this new setting will
be automatically loaded.
The following adjustments can be made:
9.4 Settings Tab
Auto Reverse Distance
Distance by which the material is reversed at the end of the weld. With
the correct setting, you can achieve a seamless and leak-proof weld
seam. As standard, 2 to 3 mm is to be selected.
Clamp Force
Clamp force used to press the wheels against each other in standby
mode. The clamp force can only be adjusted if the "Clamp Force"
slider is set to "Auto". The clamp force can be adapted to the material
or the user requirements.
X-Axis Position
Fine adjustment of the X-axis. You can also set this value via the guid-
ed wedge adjustment wizard.