For more information:
Document #1022 rev1.8
When you attempt to save the 21st contour wayline you will have to
overwrite an existing contour wayline.
While you are restricted to saving 20 contour waylines you will still be able
to save a further 80, AB, A heading or pivot waylines
You can overcome the limitation of the number of waylines that you can
save by using the backup and restore wayline options and more than one
USB stick.
During the recording of a contour curve there is the availability to pause (||)
and resume (>) the curve recording to allow for entry of very straight
sections within the contour curve.
Contour curve guidance is only suitable for situations where there is a
gentle curve in the desired path. Tight curves will cause implement overlap
as the curves are absolutely identical and not adaptive at all.
It is recommended that contour guidance be used in RTK mode.
The operation of field offset, nudge, or a mojo offset, during contour
guidance adjusts the line perpendicular to the AB points.
|| (Pause)
> (Resume)